National schedule of 600 million seedlings
The national program was conducted by the National schedule of 600 million seedlings. The leadership and staff of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and Affiliated Institutions participated in this program.
The planting was conducted in Addis Ababa Lemi Kura Sub city and in North Shoa Zone, Sululta district of Oromia Regional Government.
Lemi Kura sub City leadership, staff and various parts of the community in the Sub-city has been participated the National Green Legacy planting.
In the program conclusion H.E Minister Dr. Belete Molla, Ministry of Innovation and Technology said, a reality that our country should be a symbol of green development.
The Minister extend grateful for the leadership and the staff of the Ministry and Affiliated institutions to make a realized National Green Legacy plan. The plant seedlings of plants are vegetables, fruits and halts.
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