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People's questions can be answered by achieving digital transformation journey. Minister of State for Innovation and Technology Yishrun Alemayehu (PhD)

The Ministry of Innoveven and Technology in Addis Ababa city advised to work together in the smart city and the digital sector with Addis Ababa City Administration Civil Registration and Residents Service Agency General Director Jonas Alemayehu and Addis Ababa Innoveven and Technology Development Bureau M/Bureau Chief Mane Dessalen.
The Minister of State for Innovation and Technology Yishrun Alemayheu (PhD) said that the development of coordinated processes in the field of science, technology and innovation in our country will not only play an important role in achieving the journey of digital transformation, but it will also make it possible to answer the public's questions easily.
He emphasized that in order to reach the economic growth that we need to achieve in the technology and digitalization sector, the Addis Ababa city administration should work closely with the institutions that we can.
Addis Ababa City Administration Civil Registration and Resident Services Agency General Director Jonas Alemayehu said that although we are doing a lot of work to digitize our procedures, we have work to do with the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, so we need to develop a coordinated system.
Mane Dessalen, head of the Addis Ababa Innovation and Technology Development Bureau, said that the ministry should support different institutional sectors in different institutional sectors and create capacity based on results in order to make Addis Ababa a smart city and digitize.
It was emphasized in the consultation that institutions should work closely together and use their knowledge and resources so that our country can reach the digital economic growth it deserves.

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The government merged the former Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology to form the Ministry of Innovation and Technology in 2019.

Focus Areas

  • Research
  • Innovation
  • Technology Transfer
  • Digitalization


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